To Forgive Others

Merciful Father,
Forgiveness is foundational to my faith. Indeed, it is why I can even approach you with my prayers in the first place. No words or expression of my thanks could ever fully capture how grateful I am for your forgiveness.

Yet as appreciative as I am for your willingness to forgive me, still I struggle more than I should with forgiving others. There are those whose actions have left me with significant scars. There are others who have carried out unimaginably despicable things against others. In cases like these, it can be easier for me to withhold my forgiveness and to bear a grudge. I know better, yet I remain bitter. 

In such cases, fix my eyes to your cross, where I see again the price you paid for my forgiveness. Remind me that even though I daily give you every reason to bear a grudge against me, to remain bitter toward me, and to withhold your forgiveness from me, instead you choose to forgive all of my sin. Always. Give me your grace to always forgive others in that same way.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Emotional Intelligence

Gracious Lord,
Thank you for our emotions. We are grateful for the ability to love and feel loved, for the sense of unexpected surprise, for infectious happiness, and even for the sorrows of sadness. Emotions, and the ways we experience them and share them with others, are one of the many ways you set us apart from the rest of your creation.

As men, it can sometimes be more difficult for us to identify and sort through the emotions we’re feeling. We aren’t always very comfortable talking about them or sharing them with others. We also struggle to be aware of the emotions others may be experiencing as we interact with them. Help us to grow in our emotional intelligence, so that we might better understand ourselves and others, and come to appreciate the different ways you have made us. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Marvel at the Created World

God of all wisdom,
Thank you for your gifts of knowledge and intellect. Not only do such gifts allow us to know and understand you better as you reveal yourself to us in your Word, but they also amplify our love and appreciation for you as we know more about you through your created world. Create in us an ongoing curiosity to seek and discover more knowledge about the marvelous ways your created world works. Fascinate us with flora and fauna and how they thrive differently in a variety of ecosystems. Take our breath away with the vastness of the solar system and the galaxies within it. Through the ingenuity of the inner workings of our own human body, leave us in awe of your brilliance. As we grow in our appreciation for the world you have given us and entrusted to us, may we never cease to be amazed by your genius and drawn even closer to you. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Time

Lord God,
Time is a gift from you. Each day is made up of 24 hours of opportunities to bring you honor and glory in how we manage the blessing of time. Lead us to use it well, in ways that treat it like the gift it is instead of an expectation or entitlement to be used or wasted thoughtlessly. Guide us to balance our time between diligently carrying out our own personal responsibilities, while also allowing time to be a blessing and a service to others.

Help us guard against over scheduling and saying yes to more obligations than we are able to faithfully fulfill. If we struggle to include necessary margin for rest and recovery in our lives, surround us with others who help us to see this need and remind us to prioritize it. In our wise management of time, we show our gratitude for your gift of time.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


Gratitude for Routine

Gracious God,
Weekends provide opportunities for a break from the regular routine of the work week, occasions to spend time with family and friends, different experiences to be had, and the rest you offer us through worship. For all of these things we are grateful.

At the same time, as we return to our more regular schedules of the work week, we are also grateful. Lead us to appreciate the structure and routine it provides. There is a comfort to what is familiar. We have daily and weekly habits and patterns that help to anchor us. Rather than viewing such things as mundane and monotonous, help us to find stability in the sameness of our weekly routine, and use it to help us function faithfully and serve you and others with our best.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For God’s Best Gifts in Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Just as loving parents delight in giving gifts to their children, so do you long to give us your best gifts. When we gather in your house, where your Word is spoken and sung, you dispense your greatest gift of grace: the free forgiveness we have through your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Just as a child would never tire of receiving gifts from mom and dad, may we never tire of receiving gifts from you, our Heavenly Father. Give to us your best gifts in worship this morning, that we might receive from you all that we need to also give others our best this week and always.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When I confuse happiness with joy, help me to discern the difference. Happiness is tied to my situation or to certain circumstances, which may be positive or negative. Joy however, is constant, because Jesus’ love and forgiveness are constant and unconditional.

Therefore, even after a bad day at work, I still have joy. Even when a relationship goes sour, I still have joy. Even when I receive bad news, I can take it in stride because I still have joy. When my team loses, when I forget something important, when others are inconsiderate – when anything in life happens, good or bad, I still have joy, because I still have you, Jesus. Fill my heart with the faith both to know that joy and to feel it daily. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Manage Our Finances Well

Generous Lord,
All we have that is good comes from you. You give generously and freely, asking only that we manage well what you have entrusted to us. Help us to do that. 

Open our eyes to see the wisdom of having a budget, and grant us the discipline to take the necessary steps to either establish one or continue maintaining the one we have. Such a practice not only helps us see more clearly how richly you bless us, but also how we can better direct our finances for the good of your kingdom and our neighbor. Where we spend frivolously, compel us to rein in our spending. Where we are miserly, soften our hearts toward giving and generosity. Let us experience the joy that accompanies managing your financial blessings well. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Protection

Good Shepherd,
We know all too well that as we walk through this valley of the shadow of death, dangers threaten us around the clock. Yet we do not need to be afraid, because we are confident that you do not waver in your promise to guard and protect us. We thank you for the many safeguards you have placed in our lives like medicine, technology, policies, and people who protect us. You use these measures in so many different ways to keep us from harm. We could hardly fathom the unknown dangers of each day that we never even experience because you keep them from us! Thank you, Good Shepherd, for your vigilant protection. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Love Learning

Omniscient God,
You know all things and are filled with knowledge that far surpasses even the brightest and most brilliant minds of human beings. But even though we will never attain your level of knowledge, you have created us with minds that are able to learn and discover so much. Work in us the desire to be life-long learners. You have provided us with more ways than ever to pursue greater knowledge and understanding. May we take advantage of books, documentaries, websites, podcasts, and so many other sources of knowledge available to us. Increase our knowledge through these resources. Lead us to a greater love of learning, so that our knowledge might serve others, while also honoring you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.