For God Pleasing Thoughts

Sanctifying Spirit,
Guide my thoughts today. Since my thoughts determine my speech and actions, take them captive to your will so that I reflect your righteousness in every way possible today. Protect my eyes from anything that could lead to lustful desires creeping in and hijacking my focus. Guard me from greed and any of its lies that seek to chip away at my contentment and replace it with ingratitude. 

Instead, enable me to follow your direction by thinking of what is good and lovely, noble and pure. Make my attitude like that of Jesus, so that I prioritize the needs of others before my own. Lead me to meditate and reflect on your faithful promises throughout the day, so they may encourage me and provide hope if I need it. May I then reflect the joy of my salvation to others as I try to be more deliberate about reflecting on it. Bless my thoughts in ways that lead them to bear fruit in your kingdom.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those New to Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Today I pray for all of those considering a first-time visit to worship. I also pray for those considering returning to church years or even decades of being away. Whatever it was that prompted this consideration, I pray that you not only lead them to follow through, but also richly bless their decision. Let them find a place of warmth and welcome, free of cold shoulders and judgmental stares. Make their worship a joy and allow law and gospel to be clearly preached, sung, and spoken. Let Jesus as Savior be the highlight of their experience, and send your Spirit to do whatever work is necessary in their heart through your Word. Open their eyes not only to see the blessing of continuing to draw nearer to Jesus in the future, but to his church and people as well.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Keep You Number One

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. You command me to put you first in my life, to have no one and nothing else which I would fear, love, or trust more than you. But so easily my heart attaches itself to whatever seems to promise satisfaction, worth, or meaning. When such idols deceive us, devastation follows, for they can never provide what they promise. We relentlessly pursue what end up being meaningless mirages and dead ends.

Guide me to guard my heart from anything and everything seeking to establish a presence there. Reign supreme and expel all that threatens you. You alone are the source of grace for which my heart thirsts. Do not  allow anything to displace you. Be and remain the lone source of my soul’s satisfaction and lead me to look nowhere else but to you for my every need.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Speak Well of Others

Loving Lord,
Gossip is all around us. We live in a culture that effortlessly tears down, assumes the worst, and passes along negative information about others that may not even be true. I have been guilty of such speech and I have been on the receiving end of hurtful comments. We need to see that the problem isn’t only with the other person. Determining whether they did or didn’t do something in the first place or if they did, debating if it’s as grievous as charged, isn’t the only issue that needs attention.

The other part of the problem is my heart.

That’s the part of the issue I want to control. The way to keep my lips from malicious speech toward others is to guard my heart and mind from malicious thoughts. Regardless of what someone else did, I want to be aware of my own intent before I comment or share an opinion. Lead me always to assume the best of others and keep me from spreading slander and vitriol. Even when others have done wrong, let me see the wisdom in giving thoughtful consideration before offering any response. Help me to be quick to defend and speak well of others whenever possible and do not allow me to swim in the cesspool of society’s shocking speech. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


Thank You for Being Patient With Me

Dear Lord,
Thank you for being patient with me. You call us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow you, but it comes so naturally to me to turn your call around. I too willingly lay down my cross to follow my own self-serving interests. I savor sin in my own life rather than shunning it. I thoughtlessly dismiss your Word rather than delighting in it daily.  I am such a far cry from what you created and redeemed me to be and I know full well what I deserve because of it!

Yet in perfect patience, you welcome me with open arms every single time I turn to you in repentance. And you rejoice every time, like the shepherd who tracks down his lost sheep and the woman who finds her lost coin! You patiently restore me, refresh my soul, and set me back on your paths of righteousness. You do not give up on me when my sanctification is sluggish. You do not turn your back on me when I am slow to trust the truths of your Word. May your patience with me never run out, and may I need less and less of it as you continue to grow me in faith.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.