To Overcome Worship Frustrations

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. But… they can also be a source of frustration if I allow them to be. There can be elements of worship or styles of music that I don’t care for. I may find the sermons or the preaching to be formulaic and predictable. There are individuals who sometimes get under my skin. In short, there are always realities that I can turn into roadblocks to justify taking a pass on worship.

Yet any reason I might list to excuse myself from worship also serves as a double-edged sword, reminding me of my need for forgiveness. Let your gracious patience and with me and your boundless forgiveness always be enough to drive me to worship you. Let nothing hinder me from being in your presence where your Word is proclaimed and the Sacraments are dispensed. Turn every worship obstacle into an opportunity that can stretch and grow my faith and bless and serve my neighbor.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Your Gifts of Marriage and Sex

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. When we rearrange or discard your commands according to our own wishes, we shouldn’t be surprised when things begin to unravel. Sadly, we see this damage play out in homes and families as a result of tearing apart your gifts of marriage and sex. Your intent was for these two blessings always – and only – to be enjoyed together. So much collateral damage has been caused by our insistence on treating these gifts separately and according to our own selfish views.

Forgive me for my role in contributing to the diminishing views of marriage and sex. Where I have objectified and lusted after women and glorified sex, I have been a part of the problem. Help me to speak well of marriage and hold it in high regard. When I see husbands and wives struggling or the topic of divorce becoming a part of the conversation, lead me to pray for those marriages. Compel all married couples to pursue you along with each other, and grant those who are single a spirit of contentment with their station in life, opening their eyes to the unique blessings you have for them. Guard all of our hearts from sexual temptation, and restore this precious gift to its rightful place within marriage.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Guidance in Decision Making

Holy Spirit,
Grant me clarity in my decision making. There are some decisions before me that carry more weight than others, and I need your guidance. Train me to look first to you and your Word for answers, for promises, and for direction in my decision making. Help me to be discerning in the advice I receive from others. Open my eyes to determine when counsel is wise and prudent, and when it is to be avoided or dismissed altogether. When my feelings cloud my judgment, equip me to manage them so they do not lead me to make poor decisions. Finally, when you do provide me with the clarity and peace of mind I am asking for, give me the confidence to move forward with my decision, to fully trust in you to bless it as you see fit, and to remember to thank you in my prayers and in my sanctified living.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Positive Influences

Almighty God,
Thank you for the leaders you have placed in my life to shape me into the man I am today, and to continue influencing me as I grow and mature. You have given me parents, coaches, teachers, pastors, family members, and many others who have left a great impression on me over the years. Lead me to express my gratitude to them for the way you have used them to leave such a positive impact in my life. 

I also want to follow in their footsteps and be a blessing to younger men who need positive role models. Display in me the characteristics of a godly man to provide them with a solid example. Where I fall short, let me model repentance and my own need for grace and forgiveness, so others see the power of the gospel at work through me. In these ways and many others, use me to demonstrate that strong Christian men are first and foremost followers of Christ.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Patience With the Unbelieving

Saving Lord,
Grant me wisdom and patience when dealing with those who don’t believe. When they are friends and family, let me be especially aware of how my day-to-day words and actions might shape their view of my Christian faith and more importantly, how they see you. I never want to be an obstacle in their way of seeking and ultimately finding you. 

When they mock me or make things difficult for me because of my faith, strengthen me to bear up under it and not to be shocked by any unbelieving behavior. Instead, use my resolve and unwavering faith in you even in the face of ridicule to leave them with a favorable impression of what committed faith looks like. Remove any fear or reluctance I might have in speaking the truth in love to them, especially when I have opportunity to point them to their Savior. In the Holy Spirit’s perfect timing, use me in any way possible to bring them to faith in you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor and Respect Women

Wonderful Creator,
In your wisdom you created men and women, uniquely designed not only physically, but in how we think and feel as well. Thank you for the joy of discovering and delighting in those differences! 

While we have different roles that compliment each other beautifully, our fallen world too easily views those differences in terms of inferiority and superiority. I confess that I am guilty falling into this trap, too. Forgive me and bless me with the sacrificial, servant heart of Jesus, so that I look to women and to serve them, rather than to be served by them. Let my attitude toward women be filled with respect and admiration for all they do. Lead me to honor them with my words and actions. Use me to protect and care for them whenever possible. Help me always to hold them in high regard. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For God-Pleasing Thoughts

Holy Spirit,
One of the greatest blessings unique to mankind is our capacity for thought. I am able to reflect on events from my past and hope for future plans, to get lost in my imagination or ponder my present realities. These can be wonderful things. But, they can also be distractions, or worse, lead to dark places that end up producing bad fruit in my life. Without the new man raised up in me through faith in Jesus, my thoughts would so easily be controlled by the evil one. 

But in Christ I am empowered to direct my thoughts toward what is good and God-pleasing. Therefore, guard my heart and guide my thoughts. Keep what is impure, hateful, violent, and greedy far from me. Allow my thoughts to be Spirit-guided so they are in alignment with your will. Let your Scriptures permeate my thinking so that all words and actions that flow from my thoughts clearly reflect that I am walking in your light.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Make a New Connection

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. Worship is the highlight of the morning, but Sundays are also the one opportunity of the week that brings together the most members of my church family. While I value some of those relationships more than others and we may share a deeper bond, because everyone in the body of Christ matters to you, they also matter to me. 

Move me to step outside of my comfort zone this morning and introduce myself to someone new. Whether it’s a long-time member or a guest, give me the courage to make a new connection. Use me as a conduit to provide whatever might be needed to that individual. In turn, let me be open to any blessings you may be looking to grant me through them. Foster more of these kinds of connections among us, as they help build up and strengthen the body of Christ, while also glorifying you.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Care for Your Gifts of Body and Life

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. You have given us the precious gift of life, as well as marvelous bodies to carry out your will and your work in this world. While your grace and mercy compel us to protect your gift of life and to care for it, so often my own selfishness puts my body and life and the bodies and lives of others at risk. I neglect the care of my own body, disregarding what I eat, and making choices that put my health at risk. My body is a temple, and I dishonor you when I fail to properly care for it. And, while I may never have taken anyone’s life physically, since you view hatred toward others on the same plane as murder itself, I am guilty. 

You, on the other hand, valued life so much that you gave up the life of your only Son for the lives of all others. Having been spiritually raised up from the dead to this new life, now give me that same appreciation for life and the opportunities you give me to care for and to protect my own life and the lives of others. Help me to see and to embrace all the ways I can honor and serve you and others with my body and life.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Stay Focused

Dear Father,
There are so many distractions in this world that make it more challenging than ever just to stay focused. Some of these distractions are my own fault, while others are the product of living in such a distracted world. So much around me is vying for my attention, and too often I succumb and give in. It can be frustrating when I can’t accomplish the task at hand because I struggle to stay focused. 

Guard me from the weakness of permitting distractions as a means of procrastination. Help me identify possible distractions and give me the discipline to remove them whenever I need to focus. Where helpful, give me the wisdom to break down bigger tasks into smaller steps so that my need to focus is more manageable. Bless my progress by allowing me to see and to celebrate the results achieved through my focused efforts.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.