To Know What to Pray For

Holy Spirit,
We have confidence that through you, the prayers that leave our lips are music to the Father’s ears by the time they reach him. Nevertheless, I admit that I don’t always know what to pray for, or that my priorities in prayer are often out of order. While I know and am confident that you both hear and answer my prayers, I ask for your direction to guide me in knowing what to pray for.

The Lord’s Prayer teaches us that spiritual concerns should outweigh our physical and temporal ones. Yet my prayers are often backwards in that regard. Help me to turn that around more and focus on the spiritual requests that build up your people and your kingdom. As I consider the needs of others, too, while I am often aware of their physical and earthly needs, make me mindful to pray for their spiritual needs even more. When others share prayer requests with a worldly focus, let me add to them prayers with a Word focus.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Enduring Change

Dear Lord,
I ask you to be with those experiencing significant changes in their lives. Those changes may be happening in the work place, in the home, in other social settings, or even in your church. They may include special circumstances or they may involve relationships that require adjustments.

Whatever the change is, guide and direct those going through it. While some thrive in the midst of change, many find it challenging to navigate. Assure them that what won’t change is your promise to be present with them at all times in every situation. Grant them patience and perseverance. Fill them with hope to see how you can bring good out of all things. Surround them with support to help them through this season of change, and provide them with the peace of knowing this too shall pass.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Be Ready for Battle

Lord Jesus,
We are at war. Daily the devil plots and schemes and carries out his plans to capture and kill. He does not give up. He is relentless. He battles for souls and refuses to ever hoist the white flag of surrender.

Nevertheless, the war has already been won! You were victorious, and by faith your victory is mine. In addition to assuring me of victory, you also provide me with all the armor necessary to fight and defend against every evil attack. But armor is only effective when it is worn. Therefore, lead me to take up your armor daily and protect myself with your sturdy Word and rock-solid promises. Let me fight valiantly to fend off every spiritual strike, with the confidence that I am never battling alone, but always with you at my side. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Those Unable to Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. There are many who long to gather in church for worship this morning, but for a variety of reasons are unable to. For Christians in certain parts of the world, gathering together with other believers is a dangerous risk. For others, there is no Christian church that is faithful to your Word in close proximity. Still others suffer from health issues or a physical inability to attend worship. 

Provide all these believers with other opportunities to feed their faith. Thank you for technology that allows them watch worship and to hear your Word, even when they cannot be physically present. Surround them with caring Christians to encourage and uplift them, and provide them with pastors and missionaries to serve and care for their spiritual needs.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Respect the Belongings of Others

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. One of their intentions is to protect your gift of possessions, which you give us to manage and to enjoy. Give me an undivided heart that is guarded from loving material things more than you, the Giver. Rid my heart of all greed and in its place allow a spirit of contentment to flourish. 

When I see how richly you bless others, do not allow temptation to creep in and give way to plotting or scheming how I might acquire what doesn’t belong to me. Instead, lead me to celebrate your goodness in generously providing for them. Let me be a source of help to others in protecting and caring for what you have entrusted to them. Wherever fraudulent schemes are being secretly plotted by a few or blatant theft and robbery in broad daylight are being planned by many, intervene and foil such plans. Let justice be carried out whenever stealing takes place, and lead us all to respect and honor that which belongs to our neighbor. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Follow Through and Finish Well

Faithful God,
There are plans and projects, tasks and responsibilities that are before me right now. While they differ in regard to both urgency and importance, I ask you to give me the drive to see them through. I want to be reliable, known as someone who does what he says he is going to do. Give me wisdom to break things down into manageable steps so that I can clearly see what my next action is. Instill in me the focus needed to stay on task and not be distracted by the whirlwinds of life all around me. When I am stuck, let me seek out the necessary guidance to get unstuck and move forward. Keep me from rushing through anything and doing it poorly, but instead taking the time to do it well.

I want to strive for excellence and give my best, mindful that I am not merely accomplishing checklists for the sake of getting things done, but am glorifying you in everything that I do. Since I seek your approval over all else, and am already assured of it through the achievements of Jesus, I am driven to give you and others my absolute best at all times. Bless my efforts as only you can.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Teachers

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for teachers. Their commitment in the classroom and their dedication to students easily goes unappreciated. Where history has raised up prominent people, teachers have played a prominent role in shaping them into who they became. Their drive to educate and help their students learn is commendable. Grant them patience with difficult students and those who learn differently, and the ability to push and challenge students who excel academically. Provide them with the resources they need to educate well. Establish good relationships between faculty and staff. Finally, thank you for the many different teachers you have placed in my own path to mold me into who I am today. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Good Advice to Others

All-Knowing Lord,
Give me knowledge and wisdom when others seek counsel or advice from me. I want to be able to provide sound guidance that is a blessing. Help me to be a source of clarity for those who are confused and one who gives prudent direction to those unsure of what to do next. Since you are the source of all of these things, I come to you to ask that you dispense them generously for the sake of others. Then, when I pass along your counsel and others experience favorable results, provide me with the opportunity to acknowledge you before them, that they might learn to praise you and to seek your wisdom as well. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Give Myself More Fully

Mighty God,
From the first word of creation, you have given yourself fully to your creation. You held nothing back in gifting us an absolutely stunning world and universe. Then, your commitment leapt to unimaginable heights through the incarnation, when you, the Creator, inserted yourself into creation as the God-man, Jesus Christ. Leaving nothing in the tank, you poured yourself out fully for all people as our Suffering Servant, the perfect sacrifice for sin.

Inspired by your commitment to me, I want to give myself more fully to you. Too often I play small. Frequently I treat your gift of time like an endless commodity, putting off priorities in favor of laziness or leisure. Replace such tendencies with a yearning desire to make a difference, to maximize my abilities and your gifts to enrich and bless those around me. And, since service in your kingdom reaps eternal blessings, use me in as many ways as possible to build it up and extend it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Be Deliberate About My Sanctification

God my Redeemer,
You have rescued and redeemed me, not only from sin, but also for holy living. So often the days simply go by and I realize the only time I give thought to how I am living is when I’ve sinned or wronged someone else. While I confess those sins to you, let me add to them my lack of deliberate sanctified living. When I am not intentionally thoughtful about bearing fruit in my daily life, so often the old man in me takes control and defaults to selfish living. Sins of omission easily result. 

Stir up the new man in me to regularly give thought to my days, that I might consider the good I can carry out in serving others. Help me see every interaction with others as a possible good deed – one that honors you while also blessing my neighbor. Remind me of your encouragement to live such a good life, so that through my sanctified living, even those who are opposed to the cross in their unbelief may end up being drawn to you and praising you in faith. The world can be so very dark. Make me shine as brightly as I can by considering the daily opportunities you provide for me to do so.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.